PEInterior   T:6558 5875
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初原探索 空間研究室創立於2014年,是一間立足於澳門並致力發展亞洲及國際市場的空間設計研究室.本公司除致力發展空間設計業務外,亦對人文社會和歷史作研究及推進,以實驗結形式結合實務工作,探索空間與人、社會、商業間的關係及本質,從歷史、社會特徵、生活模式方面作分析,推動並發展具有在地性的不同使用空間,探索並尋求未來社會的空間可能性。

PE interior design was found in 2014, which started up in Macao and keep on developing interior design in both Asian and international market. In addition, we also explore and drive humanistic society and history. To explore the essence and relationship of space and three elements - human, society and commerce, by analysing from its history, social features and human life pattern. In order to develop, advance and explore different possibilities of space usage in one specific area as well as its future society.